About Us
SRI SATHYA SAI GLOBAL COUNCIL - AUSTRALIA helps Sai devotees to pursue their spiritual growth by plugging into the Divinity within. The organisation undertakes numerous community service activities across Australia and in the Asia Pacific and is affiliated with the SRI SATHYA SAI GLOBAL COUNCIL with its global headquarters in Prasanthi Nilayam, India
SAI Organisations across the globe under the umbrella of SRI SATHYA SAI GLOBAL COUNCIL was founded by Sri Sathya Sai Baba to enable its members to undertake service activities as a means to spiritual advancement.
The Organisation derives inspiration, guidance and strength from Sri Sathya Sai Sai Baba’s mission and message of propagating the truth of man’s inherent divinity, which is proclaimed and preached by all religions of the world.
In consonance with this truth, the Organisation has as its main objective selfless love and service without any distinction of religion, nationality, race, socio-economic status, either for those who work in the Organisation or for those who are served by them.
Thus, it transcends all barriers, leading humanity towards the ideal of ‘Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man’.
In fact, this spiritual basis enables everyone in the Organisation to pursue his own religion better by putting its teachings into practice by way of love and service to the God who dwells in all hearts.
All members of the Organisation are part of a Sai Centre - a place for people of all age groups, genders and interests to come together and collectively support each other in their own individual spiritual growth. Click here to know more about the Nine-point Code of Conduct and the Ten Guiding Principles.
Sai Centres of the SRI SATHYA SAI GLOBAL COUNCIL - AUSTRALIA can be found in most parts of Australia. Click here to find your nearest Sai Centre.