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6 Free Medical Camps in Fiji, 100+ Volunteers, 800 Kms Travelled, 2131 Patients Served

With Swami's Divine Grace, 100 plus volunteers which included medical professionals & general volunteers from Australia, New Zealand and Fiji had the opportunity to serve 2,131 patients at 6 Free Medical Camps which were organised by SSSGC Zone 3 countries in the Fiji Islands. The Fiji Islands (Fiji) is a small island nation in the South Pacific with a population of just over 920,000 people.

The Free Medical Camps in Fiji were organised in 6 different schools in the Western Division of Viti Levu (the main island in Fiji) to address the vital healthcare needs of individuals who normally are not able to easily access the essential healthcare services. Over the 6 days, our volunteers had to travel over 800 kms from the volunteer base in Nadi to each camp site where were organised in 6 schools in various towns

The Free Medical Camps was a collaborative effort between the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council Zone 3 countries and the Fijian Ministry of Health & Medical Services.

Key highlights of the Free Medical Camps include:

  • Comprehensive Medical Services: Participants had provided with a wide range of medical services, including general health check-ups, dental care & extraction, eye examinations, foot checks and physiotherapy, cervical cancer & infectious illness screening, blood tests & dietary advice (including cholesterol and diabetes) and consultations with qualified medical professionals. The camps provided holistic care by addressing both immediate health concerns and offering guidance for long-term well-being.

  • Medication & Reading Glasses Dispensation: In addition to medical consultations, patients were prescribed medications free of cost enabling them to maintain the normal lifestyles after they were prescribed by our doctors. Reading Glasses will also be provided to participants if required enabling them access improved reading and eyesight.

We are grateful to the management of all 6 schools which hosted the medical camps and provided our volunteers with food and all other necessities for the smooth operation of the camps. Our special thanks to all the nurses from Fijian Ministry of Health and trainee nurses from University of Fiji. We are also grateful to Fiji Airways, the local national carrier, for its generosity to transport free of cost necessary medical supplies from New Zealand, as well as other organisations, individuals and supporters who share our universal vision of creating a healthier society.

Finally our special gratitude to Swami for this Divine Opportunity and also to all our volunteers who gave up their personal time and energy to serve our brothers and sisters in Fiji.


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